Almond chocolate chip cookiesMakes: 12 – 15 cookies
Prep time: 5-minutes
Cook time: 20-minutes

50g Coconut Oil (Melted)
2 Medium Free Range Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
300g Ground Almonds
55g Stevia (Calorie-Free Sweetener)
1 tsp Baking Powder
Pinch of Salt
60g Dark Chocolate (82% coco) broken into small pieces or 50g Dark Chocolate Chips


What you will need:
1 x Microwave bowl
1 x Mixing bowl
Greaseproof paper / baking parchment
Baking tray (possibly two)
Pre-heat oven to 350°F/190°C/Gas 5.

How to make:

  1. Pre-heat oven to above temperature.
  2. Place oil into bowl & microwavable full blast till melted – approx 1 min.
  3. In mixing bowl, crack & beat eggs with vanilla essence.
  4. Add in dry ingredients (ground almonds, stevia, baking powder & salt) & mix.
  5. Add oil to cookie dough. Mix together. Mixture will clump together very quickly.
  6. Mix in chocolate chips.
  7. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, drop balls of cookie dough, slightly bigger than tablespoon in size.
  8. Cook in oven for 12 – 15 minutes.
  9. Eat warm or cold (…taste great just out of the oven but do wait 10 minutes)
Cookies_Ingredients Cookies_coconut oil Cookies_dough Cookies_baked

Ingredients Suggestions:
The above recipe is for optimal nutrition, improving cholesterol & a great treat for diabetics (as this recipe helps stablise blood sugars while having a sweet hit). However if you aren't diabetic and would prefer your cookies a little sweeter you have two options a) increase stevia amount from 70g upto 90g or b) decrease coco content of your chocolate; don't go below 60% coco though.


The end result almond healthy cookies

Click to view the end result!